Step into the world of 'More Than Peach' and be captivated by this empowering tale that encourages young activists like you to make a difference!
Discover why 'More Than Peach' has been recognized as a finalist in the 2023 NCSS-CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books List, and embark on a journey of wisdom and inspiration with Bellen Woodard.
Embark on a heartwarming journey with Bellen Woodard, the CEO of Bellen’s More Than Peach Project, as she paves the way for inclusivity and self-expression through her innovative and groundbreaking work in the crayon industry.
Meet the creative genius behind the illustrations of 'More Than Peach,' Fanny Liem, whose passion for storytelling and artistry will enchant readers of all ages with her enchanting illustrations and captivating visuals.
Delve into the world of 'More Than Peach' and witness the transformative impact of Bellen Woodard's vision as she inspires young readers to use their voices and talents to create a more inclusive and vibrant world.