DK, the renowned illustrated reference publisher, has been enlightening readers worldwide since its establishment in London in 1974. A part of Penguin Random House, DK is known for its visually stunning nonfiction content for both adults and children.
With a presence in over 87 countries and publications in 62 languages, DK's commitment to informing, enriching, and entertaining readers of all ages is evident in its diverse range of print and digital offerings. The innovative design and clarity of DK's products set them apart in the world of publishing.
From travel guides to history, science to nature, DK covers a wide array of topics with a perfect blend of words and visuals. The children's collection is particularly impressive, with engaging content on animals, the human body, craft activities, and much more. DK's dedication to quality and education shines through in every publication.
As the parent company of Alpha Books and Prima Games, DK continues to push boundaries in design and content creation. The success of titles like the LEGO® books highlights DK's ability to captivate young minds and foster a love for learning. Whether in print or digital form, DK's publications are a testament to their design prowess and commitment to excellence.