Discover DK, the world's leading illustrated reference publisher, and the creator of The Big Book of Trains. DK was founded in London in 1974 and is a part of the Penguin Random House family. With a global presence in over 100 countries and 60 languages, DK produces visually captivating non-fiction for both adults and children.
DK's mission is to spark curiosity, educate, and entertain readers of all ages. Their visually striking publications combine engaging text with captivating images to bring various topics to life. From travel guides to children's books, DK's diverse range covers a wide array of subjects, ensuring something for everyone.
Explore DK's extensive collection of children's books filled with engaging and informative content. From animals to science, DK offers a wealth of knowledge for young minds, making learning fun and accessible. Dive into the world of LEGO® and other exciting licensing titles that spark creativity and imagination.
As the parent company of Alpha Books, DK oversees the popular Idiot's Guides series and continues to innovate in design for both print and digital formats. Visit DK's website to discover more about their publications and to embark on a journey of learning and discovery.