DK, a renowned illustrated reference publisher, was established in London in 1974 and is now a part of Penguin Random House, with a global presence in over 87 countries and 62 languages.
DK is known for its visually stunning nonfiction publications for both adults and children, ranging from travel guides to parenting advice.
The unique DK approach combines words and images to provide unparalleled clarity on a diverse array of subjects, making learning both informative and engaging.
From travel guides to science and from history to cookery, DK's adult range covers a wide spectrum of interests, while its children's list offers an abundance of educational resources for young readers.
Explore topics such as animals, the human body, and crafting projects within DK's extensive collection of informative and entertaining books, including beloved licensed titles like LEGO® books.
DK also oversees Alpha Books, which publishes the Idiot's Guides series, and Prima Games, a leading video game publisher, in addition to the acclaimed travel brand Rough Guides.